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Guide to making "a Gambler"

Writer's picture: Gambler 500Gambler 500

Updated: May 31, 2024

The original Gambler started small like all good things, simply 13 cheap cars filled with friends and acquaintances exploring remote parts of Oregon. "Going viral" with 50 million views of a simple social media post the event was changed forever. We spent time making content with Donut Media, Dirt Everyday, HOONIGAN, Jessi Combs, RECOIL, Grind Hard Plumbing, B is for Build, Jay Leno's Garage etc. and as it grew we could see the event change to accommodate the influx of people and it turned more into a festival/carshow/reunion/concert/HooptieX spectating thing.... Gamblertown was born. We then took this mass of people and goodwill and aimed it at our Nation's huge illegal dumping problem becoming the largest public land cleanup effort in the world. Chuck Brazer bringing a racing aspect to the model sculpted HooptieX serving as not not only the largest RallyCross series in the Nation but also the most affordable. With all these changes it barely resembled the simple weekend it had started from, "The Gambler 500" was now the gathering celebrating the idea of cheap fun and impractical vehicles exploring public land while making it a better place for all.

We offered that if people wanted to start small free events that copied the original formula of off-road navigation they could use the name and logo but if they wanted to make a for profit event they need make up their own name.

If any gambler is too big, too far away or on the wrong weekend simply make your gambler with a few friends and dumb cars. Keep it free, fun and pick up trash, use the name as a calling card wherever you are.

The goal is to create experiences and adventures like the ones we had before anyone knew we existed. The Gambler 500 Rally/Gamblertown remains a place for Gamblers across the country to unite, meet new people, have fun and get inspired but the sheer size is a daunting and expensive task to host. Here are the guidelines to keeping it simple and retaining free-range fun of original.

Rules to using our name and logo:

  1. Keep it free: Think about it like we're Coke and give out the recipe so people can make it at home under the premise they don't sell it. On public land if possible (if 75 people or less (10-40 people is perfect) theres no permit needed on BLM or USFS) if there are costs to camp make sure landowners are compensated and costs are covered, if you make shirts just make sure the run name and date is on it. If there's money left over donate to a charity.

  2. Keep it fun: it's not a race, it's an off-road navigation challenge utilizing cheap, impractical or historically unreliable vehicles. Waypoints are always free. There's no such thing as cheating at something you can't win, late model 4x4s are always encouraged to come help in case people break down. We are an open and accepting community to all. Safety is number one, all vehicles, licensed registered and ensured and agree to abide by all traffic laws.

  3. Keep it clean: Always be a net benefit to the places and communities we visit. If you need assistance with fees for disposing of trash collected off public land reach out to our non-profit organization the Sons of Smokey.

That's it, we wanted to create a culture out of the brand to spread goodwill while removing obstacles from people having fun in the outdoors responsibly. We'd love to see you in Oregon at the OG but none of this would exist if it wasn't for a simple weekend of adventure in our own backyard so maybe try that first. Here's more details on the process and how to structure waypoints:

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