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The people of Gambler 500 have started a nonprofit to help people get junk out of the woods.

Updated: May 21, 2020

It's the "Sons of Smokey" a 501c3 company aimed at making stewardship of the outdoors approachable by all. Staunchly non-partisan their goal is to represent motorsports in a positive light and bridge to all outdoor enthusiasts. Realizing they are a stronger force for public land together with bird watchers, hunters, hikers and campers.

"We may not agree on everything, but we can at least agree to preserve our public land, parks and roads." Founder Tate Morgan says. "Our focus is not only these large events (100s a year hosted by Gambler 500 participants everywhere) but also year round stewardship plus deterring people from dumping/littering in the first place."

The name "Sons of Smokey" is not meant to exclude the female gender but infer some amount of "danger" by evoking imagery of the fictional biker gang "Sons of Anarchy". Tate is quick to add that most of our biggest litterbug offenders are dudes though so we hope to educate and convert them from their destructive ways.

Ways to help, there is a website setup ( to take donations that go directly to covering costs of trash and vehicle disposal and supporting the army of volunteers across the US and beyond. Most importantly though is to lead by example, inspiring our children and peers to value public land.


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